1 Wednesday
06:00 PM
Pole Lvl 1.5+ (Pole + Choreo)
2 hours
This class is for experienced Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced students looking to explore low flow choreography and intermediate and advanced pole tricks. Bring your heels and feel all the feels with the gorgeous @kasiameow.dance!
2 Thursday
06:30 PM
Embody Pole + Flow
2 hours
In this 2 hour Class, we explore a sensual movement free flow that takes you on a journey of pleasure and possibility. Through erotic dance and embodiment, we can explore and connect to our deepest desires, unfold stories that live in the body, and play in the surrender of freedom of expression! When we center our body's choice and pleasure, we can tap into a more intuitive, primal, and sensual way of being. Beginning with a sensually and intuitively guided warmup, followed by some play with Pole and other embodiment practices, we will end class with time for dancing and being witnessed if one desires!
3 Friday
Nothing yet
4 Saturday
Nothing yet
5 Sunday
Nothing yet
6 Monday
06:00 PM
Pole Lvl 1-1.5
2 hours
This class is perfect for those who are new to pole dancing or have limited experience. Our goal is to introduce you to the fundamentals of pole dancing while building your strength, confidence, and technique. From spins, climbs, and holds we will incorporate strength-building exercises to help you develop the necessary upper body and core strength for pole dancing. Our classes are designed to be fun, challenging, and empowering. We strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable and motivated to achieve their goals. Teacher: @Polepaigey
7 Tuesday
Nothing yet